Edition #40

For the past forty years we’ve brought you wild works from writers new and established. This year, we're saying cheers to four decades of writing with an extra special print edition.
Going Down Swinging #40 is both a retrospective celebration of all we've published and a look forward into the future of storytelling. The book is crammed with words, comics, art and spoken word, some new, some from our favourite back issues.
Edited by Magenta Sheridan and Renata Carli and designed by Carolyn Ang, #40 is a perfect storm of writing from the likes of Winnie Dunn, Julie Koh, Eloise Grills, Ellen Van Neerven, Tony Birch, Eleanor Jackson, Fury, Bella Li and a whole blast more, plus illustrations by Maeve Baker.
True to our name, we've been packing punches since 1979. When poets Kevin Brophy and Myron Lysenko released the typewritten, stapled-together Going Down Swinging #1, they started something mighty. We're proud to still be knocking about in 2019, doing what we do best – sharing our favourite stories with hungry readers. And while we're not yet down, we're still swinging.
Published 2020